2025: The Inner Circle Complimentary Monthly Celebration, Connection & Collaboration Virtual Call

For Who: High Level Leaders (inclusive of female founders, executives, investors & business owners)

When: Every 1st Wednesday of the month at 1pm EST (duration 1 hour)

What: Speed Networking with Fun Infused. Every month The Inner Circle Private Membership founded by Kelly Lynn Adams's opens its doors to a complimentary celebration, connections & collaborations virtual event for female founders, entrepreneurs & executives to come together to celebrate, connect, collaborate, create & cultivate relationships.

Meet other inspiring women (virtually for 60 minutes) who are doing amazing things in their businesses, careers & lives, learn from each other, build meaningful connections, and create opportunities to collectively work together. Share what you have going on and be of service. 

Why: You never know where 1 connection could lead. The opportunities are endless, it could be to another introduction, a referral partner, your next client, your next speaking engagement, podcast or business best friend and collaborator.

The power of ONE has impacted hundreds of lives through this meeting which is going on year 3.

To become part of the paid movement & membership, email info@kellylynnadams.com for an application and details.

2025 Dates:

January 3 April 2 July 2 October 1

February 5 May 7 August 6 November 5

March 5 June 4 September 3 December 3

*Please note when you sign up for this event you will be added to the main newsletter list. Newsletters are sent out many times on a daily basis.


What to Expect:

Ask for what you need.

An opportunity to share what you are looking for or what is needed in this season for you and in your business/career/life.

Make connections. 

Cultivate relationships, introduce a connection that maybe helpful and ask for what you need.

Share what you have going on & be of service.

A chance to share with others what you have coming up offerings, services & events. And to share any connections, events or helpful information with others.

Exposure to new people.

Just by attending you are putting yourself and your brand out there to new audiences and people who know people that could help.


Being an award winning master certified business & life trauma informed coach since 2009 to high level leaders that include executives, entrepreneurs, celebrities, athletes & many more, an international speaker, host of the perfectly imperfect podcast & writer, intentional networking has helped me to build social capital and profitability within my businesses. Period. Who is in your network and how are you creating & cultivating your connections? Many times it is not the what you do it is the who do you know. For more information visit: www.KellyLynnAdams.com

~Kelly Lynn, www.KellyLynnAdams.com